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config the username and email, enable authorization cache, check your configs


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Install Kubernetes and run minikuber on your local, and deploy spring cloud on kubernetes.

PHP Version Update

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Update PHP Version, Update Apache2 PHP Version, Swich PHP version on Ubuntu

NextCloud Update

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Nextcloud Update And issues, “Step 4 is currently in process. Please reload this page later”,”a padding to disable MSIE and Chrome friendly error page”,”504 ...

Google OAuth Client Library for Java

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记录一下Google OAuth Java Client的学习过程,这套Lib可以很方便的集成第三方OAuth接口,如果对方没有提供SDK,这将是一个非常不错的选择。不止针对Google,任何第OAuth API都可以使用。该Lib包括了OAuth授权的流程,与Token的过期自动刷新功能。 安装 添加依赖管...